Sunday, September 2, 2012

01x02 - A Day To Relax

So here's a second entry. So hey, I'm still around!

Well let me talk about what happened yesterday after I signed off.

I went to Grand Indonesia with my parents, got a haircut, then ate German food for dinner.

German food, you asked? Yeah it's like pork knuckles, 3 kinds of sausages, ham, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and all that other stuff in between.

a HEAVY dinner indeed.

Well, I wasn't alone eating it. I'm not a dinosaur.

It reminded me a lot about this German restaurant in Sydney. Oh how I miss the Sydney days..

Well, let's be nostalgic later. I'm sure I'll wanna write about the Sydney days sometime later.

Oh yeah, in the middle of the dinner, a colleague texted me.

Let's refer to her as madame K.

So K asked me where I was.

I told her I just got a haircut and was eating dinner.

She asked "Whatttt? Where????"

So I told her I was at Grand Indo.

Then she said "Oh okay. Karaoke. NOW"

I was like "Hang on a sec. Where are you? Are you at Grand Indo?"

K said "No, I'm at Citywalk. Get your ass over here and let's sing"

Then I told her I couldn't. Because I was having dinner with my parents.

Then she called me.

Short version - She failed to convince me.

It's not like I didn't want to go karaoke with her and my other colleagues. It could be really fun. But I already had other agendas last night.

So that's that.

But anyway, I ended up karaoke-ing last night, but with my other friends, because I promised them first.

It was good, but not as long a session as I would've wanted, because my friends decided they wanted to go clubbing.

and so we went.

Oh wait, before that, my brother and I had to take care of some good friends who were not in a condition to drive.

So we did that. Got a little dramatic in the middle. Then it got done. They went home safely.

As for the rest of us, the clubbing was still on.

So we drove to our favourite club (at least that's what I think). It's called Blowfish.

A few friends were already there, so we joined them.

When we joined the group, one of our friends was getting acquainted with this guy that we don't know.

My friend is this tall Asian guy, and the stranger was this also tall Caucasian guy.

The stranger guy was really friendly to my friend - like, really friendly, offering him and my brother cigarettes.

So I thought, hey, that's nice.

At the end of the day my other friend had a theory that he was friendly to our friend because he wanted to get free drinks from my friend's bottle.

Oh well, no one really knows, but whatever. All's good and we were all having fun.

Then we all went home.

Which brings us to today - right now - 2.30 pm on a Sunday afternoon.

My brother is still sleeping. I guess he didn't go to sleep right away when we reached home from the club last night.

So I already had lunch. My mom cooked.

And now I'm just chilling at home. I supposedly have this charity fund-raiser thingy later, which is hosted by my ex-colleagues.

So here's the banner:

Cute, huh?

So for this event, when you buy a drink from the bar, a stray dog will be fed.

It's a nice cause, and you will be able to drink what you purchase, so you really aren't spending extra money. Not that I'd mind spending extra money.

So I guess I'm going there later.

What to do meanwhile?

Well I have some TV series that I've yet to watch. Maybe I'll watch them now.

Or maybe I'll browse Facebook for a bit.

Well, till next time then!


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